Thursday, May 5, 2011

New Beginings

Hey and Welcome to another edition of "Social Life." I know that it's been awhile and alot has happened since then. So I'm going to catch you up.
Last we left off and my job closed. I liked a guy who wasn't treating me right. I still don't have a job but I did meet other guys.
Two of them are bartenders and one of them is a waiter. They are all around my age. One of them has a girfriend and I don't know if the waiter does. I don't even know if the single ones want a relationship.
I never thought that I would be friends with bartnders. Now that old guy is out of my life and I am not dating anyone. I did go on a date with one guy though. He was cute but wasn't my type. I gave him a chance though.
Remember the last guy and how I wanted him so badly? Well I'm not going to do that anymore. I'm not going to put all my eggs in one basket. I have amazing qualities and the right guy is out there somewhere. I have no idea who he is. I know he is out there though. I'm going to trust the universe that one day he will come to pass.
If there is a guy in your life don't rule him off. Get to know him and be his friend first. Maybe he is your type or maybe he isn't. Just go and enjoy life. You never know what could happen. When you don't expect you get what you want. Live life to the fullest and chase your dreams. Believe that love is out there for you and at the right time everything will fall into place.