Saturday, March 5, 2011

All Good Things Come to an End

Hello Paige here,

So you have read some articles about guys. You know the recent one, the one I work with? Well today was the last time that I may ever see him.

Tommorow is my last day of work. It is being put out of buisness so it is time to work at a new job. I have been at this place for a year and a half. The hours and the pay wasn't great. The people that I met there I enjoyed though.

One of the workers I had a huge crush on. He didn't treat me as I deserve to be treated but I still liked him. I also met other friends there.

This job was just a job to pass time while I look for a job with my major. I still haven't found a job with my major but I am trying to have faith that soon I will. The economy is real tough now.

I remember when I first spoke to the guy I like. I remember how I liked him and how I wish he came into my life. Now he did. He wasn't the kind of guy who I imagined him to be. I am glad I got to know him, even if he wasn't the nicest guy. I will remember him and if it is meant to be than one day we will cross paths again.

If there is someone in your life today who you might not see again be thankful that you got to know them, even if they weren't who you thought they were. Be glad that you got to know them and see who they really are. Everything happens for a reason and if it is meant to be then you will know it.

Next time,
