Saturday, September 4, 2010

If he won't pay attention to me I will move on

Hello and Welcome to another edition of Social Life. Today I am going to be discussing something that some of us could relate to. What happens when we want someone who doesen't want us back?
For a long time I wanted someone but they didn't treat me as I should be treated. I would like him and be upset because he is ignoring me, go away and then when I would come back I wouldn't care. It's been a cycle. When I'm in the same proximity as him I want him but when I'm away from him I'm okay. He's cute and funny. My friends say that I shouldn't be with someone who doesen't accept me and I know that's true. I am around other guys who treat me better and I know that I don't deserve to be treated the way he does to me.
So today when you like someone make sure that they like you for who you are. You could be a supermodel or the homecomming queen but if they don't get impressed or don't pay attention then they don't derserve you. The things that you are impressing them with, one day someone else will be impressed and more importantly they will like you for who you are.
As hard as it is be yourself but first be friends with yourself. As much as this has been said you have to love you in order for someone else to love you.



Saturday, August 28, 2010

Always Tell People How You Feel

Hello and welcome back to another edition of "Social Life." Tonight I am going to talk about the "What Could have been," and "The one that got away."
9 Years ago I met a guy at a party. At first I didn't like him but I talked to him and he liked me. he thought that since I was a year older I wouldn't be intrested in him. I wasn't at the time but the more that I talked to him, the more I fell for him. I was ready to tell him how I felt but all I said was "Nice Meeting you, bye."
I regreted it more than anything and after wishing to see him again I finally told him the truth. He said that if he was single he would go out with me. He said he had a girlfriend but couldn't stop thinking of me.
For a long time he was "The one who got away." I recently got back in touch with him and I realized that he wasn't the guy who I thought he was.
That experience taught me that you should always tell people how you feel because you may never get a second chance. Then they will never know how you feel and you will always wonder what could have been.
So today take chances. Put your heart on the line and if it doesen't work out then you know it wasn't meant to be and you could move on. It's much better that knowing you had a chance but didn't take it and wondering for years "what could have been."

C ya next time,


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Honesty is the Best Policy

Hey everyone,

I bet you missed me last week huh? Well for your info I was away on vacay in the lovely AC. While I was there things happen that usually don't happen. I hate to be a downer and everything but I went clubbing and actually met a couple of guys. Some weren't that great but there was one special person.
Alot of times people say that when you go to bars and clubs you shouldn't give info for safety reasons and not date people that you meet there. Everytime I went out I would give fake info since people told me about the guys at bars and clubs. I never really cared until last Friday.
I was at a pool party with my friends and spotted this cute guy with his friends. I danced my way over there and one of his friends introduced him to me. Me and him started talking and dancing. When he asked for my name I lied even though I liked him. Later on he asked if I was from around there and I lied and said I live in CA (Which I don't). As time went on I saw how nice he was and how we had stuff in common. He seemed to like me but probally thought that it wouldn't work because I live far away. He kept asking me about CA andI answered since I go there alot and hope to live there one day. I felt guilty for lying and it wasn't until he was gone did I realize that I wanted to get to know him.
I believe in fate and that everything happens for a reason. So I am going to try my best to let fate take it's course and hope to meet him again one day. When I do I will tell him everything. I know I met him for a reason.
When you meet someone today be on guard, don't give out to much info but take chances. Be honest when that someone you like comes to talk to you and always tell people how you feel because you may never get a second chance and then will always wonder what could have been.

Until next time,


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Everything Happens For a Reason

Hey, I'm back and tonight I think we could all relate to this topic. You have heard of the saying Everything happens for a reason right? Well I believe it does.
I heard it when I was younger and as I got older I experienced it more and more. The first time that I felt I truley exxperienced it was when I was in 8th grade. My best friend is older than me and she happens to do my hair. She used to do my mom's hair.
She was supposed to do me and my mom's hair the day before graduation. I was at the mall that day since I had a final and knew she was comming later. I thought that I would be home in time but I wasn't. She did my mom's hair and to my suprise even better she did my hair the day of graduation and even came to my graduation. We then all went to the diner afterwards.
It's so funny when little things like that happen. Your in a rush because you have to be somewhere but then something better comes along.
When things don't go your way today and for the future don't worry even though it's tempting. Just relax and know that it is all about God's plan. Everything happens for a reason.

See you next time,


Saturday, July 31, 2010

I work so hard and I get nothing

Hello Readers,

Are you or were you ever the type of person who works so hard and feels like you are not getting anywhere? Today I am going to discuss the workaholics who never really seem to catch a
I remember when I was in 8th grade. I showed my writing to one of the faculty staff who just happened to be in charge of the school paper. She said my writing was excellent and since I loved to write that I should join the paper. (This was at the end of the year). Well, I gave her my work and she said she would put it in. When the school paper came out my work was never even in it. I remember how I put all of that work and nothing came out of it.
It also happened other times. I don't want you to think that I am not a good writer because I am. I just don't understand how people could say to write about something and then when you do it's not even in the paper.
In high school when I joined the paper it was the same thing so I dropped out. In college my work was getting put in all of the time. Until we had a new advisor. She made the meetings long and wanted you to interview people on campus. I know journalism is all about expanding your horizions and interviewing people. I am fine with that it's just that I did movie reviews or opinion articles. Even if I wrote movie reviews I had to get sources. My other friend also complained about it. I told her my ideas and wrote the article. She said it was excellent and when I got the paper my article wasn't in it. So I once again quit.
I don't want you to get the wrong idea to quit everytime you hit a rock. When you want something very bad you shouldn't quit.
I know how it feels to put your heart into something that you really want and in the end you feel that it was all for nothing. It hurts and it could be fustrating. No matter how bad it gets don't give up.
I am still writing to this day and hoping to get my works published one day. I may not be a best seller yet but I know that I am good and creative. Writing is also something that I love to do. I love to write all different genres of writing.
When you get bad critiques don't give up. It doesen't mean that you are never going to fuffill your dreams. It just means that you need improvement. Even the best actresses and writers were told at one point that they weren't going to make it. Then later on they became a hit and to this day are famous.
So whatever you love go for it. Just because one person doesen't think that you are good doesen't mean that your a failure. Keep working at what you love to do. The more you work at it the better you will become. Just when you least expect it, your dreams will finally come true. So keep believing and working.

Until next time,


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Party Ruiners

Hello and welcome to another edition of "Social Life." Tonight I am going to mention what to do when people ruin your party.
I rmember when it was my 14th birthday. I was so excited I had the whole thing planned out. I was having a party and two of my best friends would sleep over and the next day we were going to see "Pearl Harbor." It didn't quite work out that way.
My two closest friends couldn't sleep over but they came and my other friends did. I also invited two girls who I were aquitances with. This one girl was very bossy and was ruining the whole thing. To make it worse I found her reading my diary and quoting it. I couldn't belive it. Then they locked me in the closet as a joke. That night I was so upset it was the worst party I have ever had.
In a situation like that there is nothing you can really do. You just know for the future who to invite and who not to invite. I also learned that when it comes to having a party and having everythign planned out, know who you are going to invited. Don't just invited someone who you have an after school activity with and say hi and bye too. Another thing, if someone hurt you in the past or was bossy to you in the past they will be the same way in the future. A leopard will not change it's spots.
My next birthday was amazing. I didn't invited the girls who ruined my party and even my crush came.
Later on I had parties that I loved and some didn't turn out as I hoped. They were each different and that's how life is. Things change and sometimes things we think will be great may not be and things we think will be horrible turn out to be the best. We shouldn't judge our future experiences based on the past ones. We should be cautious but we also should move foward and believe that everythign is going to be okay.

See you next time,


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Are they thinking of me?

Are you the type of person that shuts people out? Not because you want to but because you had bad experiences? Tonight I am going to discuss what happens when you are thinking of someone and they aren't thinking about you. When I was young and met people I always believed that we would be close and was optomistic about having friends. Even when it comes to realationships. alot of the time the people that I think are great are the ones who end up hurting me. The people that I don't want to associate with are the people who want to be with me. Does it make sense? No. I am not here to talk about making sense. Instead I am ready to discuss how it feels. It dosen't feel good when we are excited to see someone but they aren't excited to see us. We wonder how come they don't care about us? As much as we are dissapointed we should give others a chance and believe that one day there will be that one person who is excited to see us and wants to give us a chance. The people who won't give us a chance, well then it is their loss. We shouldn't shut ourselves off because we had bad experiences in the past. We should leave the past in the past and press on to the greater achivements of the future. See you next time, Paige

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Just Say Hi

Have you ever met a guy you thought was cute and you kind of knew but were totally shy around him? Then all of a sudden another girl (who isn't his girlfriend) comes along and hugs him and you feel dissapointed like in "Teardrops On My Guitar." I can help you get away from being the girl who comes home crying writing a song about some guy who she likes that doesen't know she exists.

For starters Just Say Hi. If he smiles at you and you have class together then you kind of know him right. Say Hi and see where it takes.

For a long time I have been the girl who has been waiting for the guy to make the first move. Let me tell you it's not fun. Then something happened that changed my life. Now I am more confident especially when it comes to guys. I say Hi and get to know them.

If you want something big to happen then you have to take a chance. Saying Hi does not mean that you are going to marry this guy it is just being friendly. Do you want to be the girl who he flirts back with or doesen't know you exist? If you want him to get to know you then you have to make the first move.

So today if there is that special guy in class who you have been doodling his name all over your notebook say hi. A good icebreaker could be "What was the homework?" Just say hi and see where it takes you. You never know.

Until next time,


Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Fair Weather Friends

Have you ever had that friend who you talked to alot but always had an excuse when you wanted to hang out? Or who you were close to and all of a sudden because they were in advanced classes they are too busy to talk anymore?

Those friends are called Fair weather Friends. You share information that you would tell your best friend but you don't really get to see each other alot. What do you do when it feels like it's too much?

First you have to accept that this friend may just be losing intrest. Everyone is busy and yes some people are busy than others but if you really wanted to spend time with someone you would make time.

The worst part is when you have really big news and you used to tell that person but can't because they are never there anymore. Who do you tell? What do you do?

It stinks but you have to ask yourself do you really want to be second place in this person's life? If you meant as much to them as they did to you then they would make time for you no matter how busy they were.

Maybe this person was in your life for only a season. When you needed someone to talk to they were there and as time went on and you learned from them, then they slowly drifted. That's what's called someone being in your life for a season.

You've heard the saying "Some people stay awhile and others leave footprints in our hearts." It's true just because someone is not there with you doesen't mean that you have to forget about the good times and the effect that they had on you when they were in your life. You also must remember that if someone leaves that means that there is even someone better right around the corner comming into your life and doing something amazing.

See you next time

Saturday, May 29, 2010

mixed signals part 2

Last I told you about the time when I had a mixed signals with someone. I didn't tell you what happened after that. It was the day after the dance on the cruise. I was still in Boston and it was the day I was leaving with my class. We all checked out of the hotel and later went to an aquarium. It reminded me of the saying "There are other fish in the sea." Me and that guy would just be friends. I mean I know that I didn't know him that well but when we face rejection as hard as it is we must remember "There are other fish in the sea." It's a phrase that has been said many times. We get down on ourselves when we are rejected weather it's unrequitted love or a break-up. We must remember that phrase. We must look at this person who we had our heart set on and know that just like we met this person we will also meet someone else. So today when you are upset about the person who isn't paying attention to you or doesen't see you as more than a friend remember that there are other fish in the sea. When you least expect it that fish is waiting to be catched.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

mixed signals

Have you ever didn't consider a guy who liked you your type then one day all of a sudden you felt differently? I think that it has happened to all of us at one time or another. Mine started when I was very young. When you are young you don't really know what love is but you have a crush on someone and that someone may or may not like you back. There was this guy in my class who was cute and nice but for some reason I didn't like him. My classmates kept saying that he liked me but I said hi and bye to him. Then a year later at a dance he asked me to dance I said to myself A dance doesen't mean anything. Than when the night was over I was so happy. We didn't date or anything but for some reason I think I developed a crush on him. Then when I went away on a class trip and we went on a cruise I thought I would dance with him but the whole night he was dancing with some other girl. I was crushed. Other guys asked me to dance but I said no because it wasn't him. We sometimes wonder when we get hurt with love, is it out there for us? How come other people have luck and the good girls don't? We shouldn't base our future decisions on decisions from the past. Unrequitted love happens and then real love happens. We must remain positive because not all of our realtionships are failures. Just because we got mixed signals with one person just means that that person is not the one for us. We don't know who we are supposed to be with or when we will meet him but everything will fall into place. We just have to believe that love is out there and when we are not looking it will eventually come.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

meeting people

Meeting people when you are out of college is very hard to do. It's hard to make new friends because everyone already has their groups. It is something we all must do.

We shouldn't be nervous when meeting new people. We should find the good qualities that attract people to us and apply them to the world.

The first thing is what most of us found out "The Law of Attraction." You have probally heard of it if you ever read or saw "The Secret." Like attracts like so we must focus on positive things.

The second thing is we must learn to accept ourselves fault and all. We can't expect others to find the good in us if we don't find it in ourselves first.

That is my advice for today and good luck for those who want to meet new people.