Saturday, July 24, 2010

Party Ruiners

Hello and welcome to another edition of "Social Life." Tonight I am going to mention what to do when people ruin your party.
I rmember when it was my 14th birthday. I was so excited I had the whole thing planned out. I was having a party and two of my best friends would sleep over and the next day we were going to see "Pearl Harbor." It didn't quite work out that way.
My two closest friends couldn't sleep over but they came and my other friends did. I also invited two girls who I were aquitances with. This one girl was very bossy and was ruining the whole thing. To make it worse I found her reading my diary and quoting it. I couldn't belive it. Then they locked me in the closet as a joke. That night I was so upset it was the worst party I have ever had.
In a situation like that there is nothing you can really do. You just know for the future who to invite and who not to invite. I also learned that when it comes to having a party and having everythign planned out, know who you are going to invited. Don't just invited someone who you have an after school activity with and say hi and bye too. Another thing, if someone hurt you in the past or was bossy to you in the past they will be the same way in the future. A leopard will not change it's spots.
My next birthday was amazing. I didn't invited the girls who ruined my party and even my crush came.
Later on I had parties that I loved and some didn't turn out as I hoped. They were each different and that's how life is. Things change and sometimes things we think will be great may not be and things we think will be horrible turn out to be the best. We shouldn't judge our future experiences based on the past ones. We should be cautious but we also should move foward and believe that everythign is going to be okay.

See you next time,


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