Saturday, May 22, 2010

mixed signals

Have you ever didn't consider a guy who liked you your type then one day all of a sudden you felt differently? I think that it has happened to all of us at one time or another. Mine started when I was very young. When you are young you don't really know what love is but you have a crush on someone and that someone may or may not like you back. There was this guy in my class who was cute and nice but for some reason I didn't like him. My classmates kept saying that he liked me but I said hi and bye to him. Then a year later at a dance he asked me to dance I said to myself A dance doesen't mean anything. Than when the night was over I was so happy. We didn't date or anything but for some reason I think I developed a crush on him. Then when I went away on a class trip and we went on a cruise I thought I would dance with him but the whole night he was dancing with some other girl. I was crushed. Other guys asked me to dance but I said no because it wasn't him. We sometimes wonder when we get hurt with love, is it out there for us? How come other people have luck and the good girls don't? We shouldn't base our future decisions on decisions from the past. Unrequitted love happens and then real love happens. We must remain positive because not all of our realtionships are failures. Just because we got mixed signals with one person just means that that person is not the one for us. We don't know who we are supposed to be with or when we will meet him but everything will fall into place. We just have to believe that love is out there and when we are not looking it will eventually come.

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