Saturday, April 7, 2012

Friends or Fake

Hey Everyone, Paige here. I know I haven't been on latley and a lot has happened. Tonight though I am going to talk about something that a lot of us go through at any age. It's about trusting people.
I'm not just talking about guys but girls too. We meet a girl hang out with her and think that she is our friend. Then we trust that person and in front of a group of people she announces what we thought was a secret.
Any girl who says what you told privetly loudly is a fake. She is only doing that to get a laugh at you. You don't need people like that.
Before you open your heart to someone, get to know them. Don't brag about every single detail of your life. Get to know the person and when you feel that person can be trusted, then open up.
I hope tonight's advice helped.
C ya next time,
