Saturday, June 19, 2010

Just Say Hi

Have you ever met a guy you thought was cute and you kind of knew but were totally shy around him? Then all of a sudden another girl (who isn't his girlfriend) comes along and hugs him and you feel dissapointed like in "Teardrops On My Guitar." I can help you get away from being the girl who comes home crying writing a song about some guy who she likes that doesen't know she exists.

For starters Just Say Hi. If he smiles at you and you have class together then you kind of know him right. Say Hi and see where it takes.

For a long time I have been the girl who has been waiting for the guy to make the first move. Let me tell you it's not fun. Then something happened that changed my life. Now I am more confident especially when it comes to guys. I say Hi and get to know them.

If you want something big to happen then you have to take a chance. Saying Hi does not mean that you are going to marry this guy it is just being friendly. Do you want to be the girl who he flirts back with or doesen't know you exist? If you want him to get to know you then you have to make the first move.

So today if there is that special guy in class who you have been doodling his name all over your notebook say hi. A good icebreaker could be "What was the homework?" Just say hi and see where it takes you. You never know.

Until next time,


Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Fair Weather Friends

Have you ever had that friend who you talked to alot but always had an excuse when you wanted to hang out? Or who you were close to and all of a sudden because they were in advanced classes they are too busy to talk anymore?

Those friends are called Fair weather Friends. You share information that you would tell your best friend but you don't really get to see each other alot. What do you do when it feels like it's too much?

First you have to accept that this friend may just be losing intrest. Everyone is busy and yes some people are busy than others but if you really wanted to spend time with someone you would make time.

The worst part is when you have really big news and you used to tell that person but can't because they are never there anymore. Who do you tell? What do you do?

It stinks but you have to ask yourself do you really want to be second place in this person's life? If you meant as much to them as they did to you then they would make time for you no matter how busy they were.

Maybe this person was in your life for only a season. When you needed someone to talk to they were there and as time went on and you learned from them, then they slowly drifted. That's what's called someone being in your life for a season.

You've heard the saying "Some people stay awhile and others leave footprints in our hearts." It's true just because someone is not there with you doesen't mean that you have to forget about the good times and the effect that they had on you when they were in your life. You also must remember that if someone leaves that means that there is even someone better right around the corner comming into your life and doing something amazing.

See you next time