Saturday, January 5, 2013

High School Crushes

Hey Paige here,

High School can either be a great time or it could be a not so great time. One thing that is memorable about High School are high school crushes.

You see that boy in one of your classes and you get butterflies in your stomach. You have no idea what to say to him. You get nervous whenever he is around and sometimes you can end up making a complete fool of yourself.

Depending on your self confidence relax when the guy is around. I know that it is easier said than done. Just talk to him like you would to a girl. See what he is like and you never know your friendship could lead to something great.

If the guy turns out to be an idiot then forget him. Your only 14 you will meet plenty of more guys in your life. One day you will find the guy that is right for you. Right now you are just starting. So take chances and have confidence in yourself.

Until next time,


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Friends or Fake

Hey Everyone, Paige here. I know I haven't been on latley and a lot has happened. Tonight though I am going to talk about something that a lot of us go through at any age. It's about trusting people.
I'm not just talking about guys but girls too. We meet a girl hang out with her and think that she is our friend. Then we trust that person and in front of a group of people she announces what we thought was a secret.
Any girl who says what you told privetly loudly is a fake. She is only doing that to get a laugh at you. You don't need people like that.
Before you open your heart to someone, get to know them. Don't brag about every single detail of your life. Get to know the person and when you feel that person can be trusted, then open up.
I hope tonight's advice helped.
C ya next time,


Friday, February 17, 2012

Some People You Never Could Forget

Paige here sorry I have been busy my writing career is expanding but I am still writing in this blog.
Have you ever had the friend who you had so much fun with? You had inside jokes with and no matter what other friends you have this one is the best? Then when their gone, you miss them. This is what my post is going to be about.
I reunited with a friend awhile ago and for a year we have been close. She was there for me when I was going through a hard time with a guy. She knew everydream I had and helped me analyze it and always gave me faith. However she started flaking out and I was upset. Eventually, I defriended her. She never came through with her promises. Not a day goes by that I don't wish that we could hang out again. I know though that she will flake out again and I don't deserve that. So I have the memories and am thankful for all of the good times that we shared together and that year that we were close.
A friendship is 50/50 just like a relationship. One person cannot put in all the work. If you have a friend like that today talk it over and if they don't listen then move on. You will find the friend that gives you the attention that you deserve.
Until next time,

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Good-byes Are Hard

Hey Paige here,

So I know it's been a lot while but I've been busy. But I have a topic for tonight.
They say that nothing is forever. All good things come to an end. When one door closes another opens. Today I am going to mention how hard good-byes are especially hard to those you get attached to.
You tell someone your darkest secrets, have inside jokes and then suddenly your friend gets busy. Eventually you come to the fact that you have to go your seperate ways.
When someone leaves be thankful for the time that you had them. Know that you didn't do anything wrong and that if they are meant to come back into your life they will. Know also that if they can't appreciate you, there is someone else out there who will.
Goodbyes are hard but you never know the future. Anyone can come into your life at any moment. Now with all of these social networking sites it is easy to get back in touch with people. So have faith and everything will fall into place.

Until next time,


Saturday, July 2, 2011

One Person

Hello, Paige here. The people in our lives can make such a difference. They could make either make it amazing or some can make it hard.
It's good to be friendly and outgoing but not everyone will like you and you won't like everyone. There may be one person however who can touch your life. Or you could touch someone else's life.
Giving someone a compliment and trying not to burst someone's bubble matters. Yes, it's important not to worry what people think. When one keeps hearing negative things over and over they lose their self-esteem. Today you could be that person who will help raises someone else up.
It's important that we try and be nice to everyone. We should treat others as we would want to be treated. It sounds cliche but it's the truth. People will not remember what you said but they will remember how they made you feel. You could be the smile on someone's day. Then one day when you are going through a hard time someone may come along and brighten your day.
Starting tommorow give everyone you see a smile. Give as much compliments as you can to people. If someone needs encouragment, encourage them. If someone wants positive feedback give it to them. Whatever you do try to brighten someone else's day and make the world a better place.

Until Next Time,


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

High School Beginings

High school can be the best four years of your life or it could be the worst. No matter what they are four years you will remember. Proms, SAT's, Homecomming, Games and Parties.
I remember my first day of high school. It was scary, being in a new building and meeting new people. I love meeting new people and I had my old friends while I made new in some of my classes.
I was excited to see my best friend and even more excited that we had alot of classes together. Pretty soon I got used to it.
Weather it's high school your starting or college or even a new job the key is to have faith. Believe in yourself and stay true to yourself. People may hurt and dissapoint you but you must always remember to never lose sight of who you are or your values. People may make you feel that you should change but never do. If someone can't appreciate you for who you are than they are not worth your time of day. You can do anything you want to do.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

You Get What You Want After You Moved On

Hello and sorry that I haven't written you in awhile. Today I am going to discuss love and how our past sometimes pops back up into our present or future. Even after we moved on from that someone.
Remember the guy who I wrote about? The one who I wanted to notice me but no matter what I did it wasn't enough? Well I did move on. I have guys in my life who treat me great. The only thing the one from my past is back. I've seen him around and he has been nice to me. His eyes lit up when he saw me and last he wished me a happy birthday. Last year he never would have wished me a Happy Birthday. He also asked if I was going to be in a coffee shop that I always see him around in. I don't know if he is comming around.
These three guys are amazing. Their georgous and always put a smile on my face. One of them is in a relationship and the other two I'm not sure if they are relationship types. With them and with other guys whatever is meant to be will be.
I had that attitude after the last guy. He couldn't appreciate me but I know there is a guy out there who will. I had so much fun with these guys. Now he's back. What if he was the one who if it's meant to be it will be with?
I don't know about my future. I know he didn't treat me right in the past and I do deserve a guy who will treat me with respect. I don't know who I will date or what will happen with the three guys I know now. I just know that I deserve to be with someone who loves and respects me and wants to be with me too.